I'm making Flashes again.
Yes, I know it was an incredibly short break, but my mind's just been exploding with ideas, not to mention I've picked up a few new scripting skills that make making RPGs exceptionally easier to make.
I've picked up that "Monster Hunter"-esque game that I spoke about about 3-4 posts ago.
Yep, I've picked that back up and I've been overflowing with ideas to do with this game so I'm really excited about it. I plan on posting a demo for it once I have the first couple of Missions made.
At the moment, I'm fine-tuning the Village which the game revolves around, which anyone who's played Monster Hunter would know. :P
I've entitled the game "Tales of Eldritch" due to the fact that I've used nothing but sprites from the "Tales of" series. And the Eldritch part is the name of the world that the game takes place in.
Features in the game include:
* Naming character
* Selecting favoured stats which you get a bonus for upon making your character
* Selecting your class out of Warrior, Mage or Thief
* Shop system
* Level-Up system similar to that in Baulder's Gate; Upon levelling up you get stat points to use as you see fit
* Mission-based gameplay
* Optional missions with increased difficulty for more confident players
* Hopefully, I can get Medals put in it but I'm not sure how to exactly... Hopefully, I can figure that out when I release the game
So, there should be a demo out for Tales of Eldritch soon enough, all I need to do is finish a few of the first missions so that you can get a feel of what the game's gonna be like. I'm also doing this to see what kind of a rating I'll be looking at for the final version, since the last game I put a huge amount of effort into; "Final Fantasy Battle" got a surprisingly low score of like 2.49. This was extremely dissapointing after I spent several weeks on it making Auto-Life systems, Protect, Armour/Power-Break etc. which I thought was a really cool touch. As well as adding as many attacks, summons, spells, items etc. as possible because whenever I make an RPG all I hear is "You need more attacks" and the time I did it, I got a LOW score! As I said, disappointing.
So, that's why I'm uploading the demo, apart from checking what you guys think of it, I want to know if I should even bother continuing it if it's gonna get a crap score anyway.
Also, about the picture in my last post, it's the Scorpion boss from Final Fantasy VII which I was (and might continue later) making a Flash remake of. It was just gonna be the opening Mako Reactor mission and it looks awesome. It had the "wait until the time bar's full to move" thing which I was proud of for programming, it had the ability to learn "Cross-Slash" by using Braver 7 times, and I was planning on adding a heap more stuff to make it as much like the original FFVII as possible. It's got some great progress made on it so far, and I'm sure if I pick it up again it'll become one of my favourite works.
I leave you with the preloader of Tales of Eldritch.