View Profile AhrimanProductions

Age 30, Male


Joined on 4/14/08

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AhrimanProductions's News

Posted by AhrimanProductions - June 13th, 2009

Here's another update for ya.

I've not been working on KH:COO 2 much as of late, due to the fact that I have a new project that I'm hoping to actually finish this time. I've been noticing that I never really seem to finish my projects but I think I'll finish this one. It's going great so far. Probably about 5% done for the first part. However, due to the fact that I have absolutely no idea how to load from a previous game in a series, I'll probably just be putting the first part on here and having the full game [when it's done] available for download somewhere. On account of the fact that I doubt they're going to let me upload a 60MB .swf. I might upload the seperate parts onto Newgrounds but I think it would be much better to play it all at once. Besides, even if you played the first part, there'd be no way to load the hard-to-get items that took you hours to get [not really but] into part two. Hence, it'd completely defeat the purpose of playing part one. And all the damage, stats etc. are level-driven so, you'd start the game on Level 1 and be getting absolutely OWNED by the weakest enemies in part two. Hence, there'd be little to no point uploading them.
Sorry about all that text, but it had to be said.
To put it short, I'm making a new project, but am only uploading part one and putting the full game[in one file] up for download somewhere so that you don't have to lose all your items, levels, etc because I don't know how to make it that you can save in part one and then load those stats into part two. Might be uploading the other parts on here but it'll defeat the purpose of having them in s series because you can't save.

Anywho, I'm making a game for an IT assessment at school and if it's good enough, I might upload it on here. It's essentially "Guitar Hero", I know it's already been done by someone on NG but I thought I'd show my disapproval for Guitar Hero by making my own, entitled "Guitar Queero" like me and my friends refer to Guitar Hero as. Expect to see that, MAYBE, in about a month.

Kingdom Hearts: Coliseum of Oblivon 2 is coming along quite well, I think. Just gotta add some random battles and then the boss battle and it'll be pretty much done. I'd say it's roughly at about 70% now. I expect it to get a good score unlike my "Final Fantasy Battle" that, I think, got scored down HEAPS because the preloader wouldn't work. NOT MY FAULT. If you haven't played it yet, I highly suggest you play it as I believe it's my best battle engine yet.

To close, I'll leave you with this picture that I drew in about 30 seconds, literally.



Posted by AhrimanProductions - May 23rd, 2009

I got the save script working! Thanks heaps to "Liaaam" for that.

Anyway, I thought I'd post a little update:

"Kingdom Hearts: Coliseum of Oblivion 2 Part One" is just about nearing completion, then I have to test if everything works properly, then I'll upload it!

Features involved are:

*Free-roaming exploration [In the first part, the movement will be a bit choppy. Try and live with it. I'll fix it in the second part]
*Save function at the end of Part One
*Level-up system
*Synthesis items that can be obtained from enemies to create things later in the game
*Kingdom Hearts II sprites [I know it's not really important but still... lol]
*Playtime counter
*Status Menu
*Code to disable frame skipping [all my previous games neevr had this...]

That's about it!
I have complete & total faith that this game will be a hit with all fans of my RPGs.

It should be out sometime in the coming month or months. It really depends on when I can work on it. I've got a heap of assignments to do, so it might be later.

I hope you all enjoy it when it comes out!

Posted by AhrimanProductions - May 2nd, 2009

I've put Sonic RPG on "indefinite hiatus". Putting it simply, I'm not doing it. Probably never will.

Anywho, on a more positive note, I'm going to revisit my Kingdom Hearts game series. At least, for a little while anyway. But, this time it will be better.
I'm going to implement a level up system, items, etc. Basically, anything to make it better.

I think I'll be completely "deleting" the previous storyline. It just went retarded when I got to the last game. I was sick of it and wanted to end it with a crappy ending. But, you all thought it wasn't that bad. And I was like T_T.......wut?

Anyway, new stortyline, level-up system, free-roaming exploration.

Also, I want to put a save system into it, unfortunately I don't know how to do save script yet. So, if anyone could PM me with some save and load script, i'd be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.


Posted by AhrimanProductions - March 8th, 2009

I'm pleased to announce that I have been working on a new project for about 2 weeks.

It's release date may or may not be too far, or too long away. It depends on how often I work on it.

Because I'm SO nice, I'll give you some details on it.

It is a Sonic RPG. (cliche' right? WRONG.)
Mine will involve:
*A level-up system.
*Possibly free-roaming overworld exploration.
*Multiple person/action battles.
*A form of "saving" system, so that you can save your stats through the use of passwords. Unfortunately, I couldn't get proper save script to work. So, you'll have to deal with this.

I'm basically pulling out all the stops to create something great and fun to play. I REALLY wanted to program a level-up system as it is something I have not yet done in script, so I wanted to do it.
This was just the first thing that came to mind.
After looking at all the great "Final Fantasy Sonic"s & "Sonic RPG"s, I thought, "Hey! I'll try my damn hardest to create the BEST SONIC RPG GAME YET!"

So, yeah! It'll come out when it comes out!

Posted by AhrimanProductions - March 3rd, 2009

I've posted a new tutorial on how to make some great RPG battle engines like I use in my games!

Posted by AhrimanProductions - February 22nd, 2009

I've uploaded something to NG for the first time in ages! Head on over and check it out!

Check it out here!

Don't forget to vote and review!

Posted by AhrimanProductions - January 12th, 2009

Check this song out, please! I think it sounds really, really awesome!

http://profile.ultimate-guitar.com/Dis turbed_EMG/music/all/play516138

Posted by AhrimanProductions - September 25th, 2008

I was bored so I decided to make all this stuff!

Posted by AhrimanProductions - September 2nd, 2008

As some of you may know, I've recently uploaded "FFVII: The Lost Episodes.
I'd love for this to get a really high vote so if you don't mind, maybye you could go check it out and vote on it for me?

Posted by AhrimanProductions - August 2nd, 2008

As many of you may know, I'm making a game called KH: Coliseum of Oblivion
And I'd like to put in a hidden battle against Sephiroth when you go to Olympus Coliseum & possibly a password access battle against him in the final episode (far, far, FAR away).

Anyway, if anyone could do me some good-looking Sephiroth sprites (including a couple of attacks, getting hit, standing still, just those will be fine) I'd be forever grateful to you.

If you do, you will be credited. EXTREMELY!
